Mohammad Taqatqa

Mohammad Taqatqa

Mohammad Taqatqa is the managing partner  and Co-Founder of ALTAFAHUM law firm.

Mr. Taqataqa is the founder of Jordan’s association for intellectual property rights. Besides, Mr. Taqatqa is the Head Legal Counsel of Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI).

Mr. Taqatqa has been practicing law since 1999. He specializes in a wide range of areas and brings to the firm years of knowledge acquired through extensive experience in various areas, covering international trade laws, WTO disciplines, trade remedies; CVD, AD and safeguards, beside his extraordinarily broad experience in corporate, commercial and litigation matters.

Today, Mr. Taqatqa’s trade remedy practices spans the country. He is actively involved in trade remedy cases on behalf of domestic producers in Jordan. As well as, he is the only lawyer throughout Hashemite kingdom of Jordan with practical experience with the WTO laws.  Mr. Taqatqa is a zealous advocate for his clients while presenting their claims with honor and integrity.

Mr. Taqatqa is a member in several local and international committees specialized in drafting treaties, regulations and laws.

Mr. Taqatqa had a key role in several USAID projects. Throughout those projects he was able to convince and attract several foreign investments to invest in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Additionally, he was one of the loud voices requesting the amendment of the Non-Jordanian investments regulation to allow investors to invest in Jordan.

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