Our Team

Mohammad Taqatqa

Mohammad Taqatqa is the managing partner  and Co-Founder of ALTAFAHUM law firm. Mr. Taqataqa is the founder of Jordan’s association for intellectual property rights. Besides, Mr. Taqatqa is the Head Legal Counsel of Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI). Mr. Taqatqa has been ...

Suheir T. Al- Abbadi

  Suhair Al Abdabi Partner at Jorlegal and head of the litigation division , Ms. Abbadi has been practicing law since 2003, she is one of leading female lawyers  in the Jordanian Legal system. Law is her passion, working on legal cases ...

Moeen Al-Zoubi

  Co-founder and Partner at JorLegal, Mr. Zubi head of trade marks division at Jolegal, he has presented many leading companies in Jordan and the Middle east in trade marks violation lawsuits, he is considered one of the leading lawyers in ...

Husam Al-Jazi

  Hussam Al- Jazi an Associate at Jorlrgal, he is a key member of the Litigation department, he has been not limited to labor lawsuits, financial claims, corporate issues...etc. Throughout his years of education he was keen to help others,he was party ...

Shurooq Al-Khadeer

Shrooq Al Khadeer is an Associate at Jolegal, she  represents our firm at the Free Zone and Development areas all around Jordan, she is  the youngest female lawyer to be part of legal commission to draft the laws regulating the ...